Time | Home/Guest | Goalies | Goalie Pick |
Baxley(4-1-0) vs. |
Ed Gustino Danny Reese |
Ratigan |
Vanderhave(1-4-0) vs. |
Ed Gustino Danny Reese |
Vanderhave |
Sandler(5-0-0) vs. |
James Leonard |
Hokhlov |
Schultz(1-4-0) vs. |
James Leonard |
Schultz |
McAvoy(1-4-0) vs. |
Daniel Benton |
McAvoy |
Baker(1-4-0) vs. |
Daniel Benton |
Baker |
This league is run by less than a handful of volunteers. Yeah, we don't get paid and we pay to play just like you.
Yes, everyone is busy. The volunteers are
busy withh their personal lives as well, yet they find time to keep things moving smoothly.
Open yourself up to help out.
The commish needs help.
Volunteer to be a captain.
Volunteer to be the Goalie Coordinator.
Volunteer to clean and maintain the equipment room.
Volunteer to assist the commish in duties like jerseys, pucks, new player handling.
Without the help of the individuals that make up this league, the current list of volunteers will
eventually burn out and this league will cease to exist.
-Jay's last rant
The Tom Alfonzi Championship cup. Only a select few get to immortalize their name on it each season. Will you be the next?
Tom Alfonzi was a driving force behind the creation of the original league (Old Men Behaving Badly Hockey Association) back at the old Sparkles roller rink. After Tom's passing a group of the league Elders memorialized him by naming the championship trophy after him. Now, we all know Lord Stanley's cup is the coolest piece of hardware in sports, but the Alfonzi Cup is a close second.
The Alfonzi CupThis is What We Came For