Jeff Glover#27

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  • Seasons: 26

  • Joined: February 2016

  • Gold
    237 Games
    22 Games

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2002023-11-19 9PMLukaszewicz-Schultz
2202023-12-03 7PMHokhlov-Lukaszewicz
3202023-12-10 5PMPlugge-Lukaszewicz
3222023-12-17 8PMSchultz-Lukaszewicz
3002024-01-07 7PMLukaszewicz-Hokhlov
3302024-01-14 4PMLukaszewicz-Plugge
1222024-01-21 9PMSchultz-Lukaszewicz
3202024-01-28 6PMLukaszewicz-Hokhlov
4102024-01-28 7PMPlugge-Schultz
2002024-02-04 4PMLukaszewicz-Plugge
1122024-02-04 5PMSchultz-Hokhlov
0102024-02-18 8PMLukaszewicz-Hokhlov
Regular 10 22 14 36 4 3.60
Sub 2 5 2 7 2 3.50
Total 12 27 16 43 6 3.58
Regular As Sub Season Total
Spring 201610 22 9 31 6 3.10 1 1 2 3 0 3.00 11 23 11 34 6 3.09
Summer 20169 20 14 34 2 3.78 1 2 0 2 0 2.00 10 22 14 36 2 3.60
Fall 201610 14 7 21 2 2.10 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 10 14 7 21 2 2.10
Winter 20168 15 6 21 4 2.63 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 8 15 6 21 4 2.63
Spring 20176 10 1 11 6 1.83 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 6 10 1 11 6 1.83
Summer 20177 17 5 22 6 3.14 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 7 17 5 22 6 3.14
Fall 201710 19 4 23 6 2.30 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 10 19 4 23 6 2.30
Winter 20179 16 6 22 4 2.44 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 9 16 6 22 4 2.44
Spring 20188 12 9 21 6 2.63 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 9 12 9 21 6 2.33
Summer 201810 15 13 28 2 2.80 2 5 0 5 2 2.50 12 20 13 33 4 2.75
Fall 20189 13 8 21 10 2.33 1 3 0 3 0 3.00 10 16 8 24 10 2.40
Winter 20189 25 5 30 6 3.33 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 9 25 5 30 6 3.33
Spring 20198 14 8 22 8 2.75 4 5 2 7 6 1.75 12 19 10 29 14 2.42
Summer 201910 17 7 24 16 2.40 2 6 1 7 0 3.50 12 23 8 31 16 2.58
Fall 20199 23 4 27 4 3.00 1 1 0 1 2 1.00 10 24 4 28 6 2.80
Winter 20199 10 9 19 10 2.11 3 3 1 4 0 1.33 12 13 10 23 10 1.92
Summer 202110 23 11 34 4 3.40 2 1 0 1 0 0.50 12 24 11 35 4 2.92
Fall 202110 12 7 19 6 1.90 3 1 6 7 0 2.33 13 13 13 26 6 2.00
Winter 20227 11 6 17 2 2.43 1 1 0 1 0 1.00 8 12 6 18 2 2.25
Winter 20239 10 11 21 4 2.33 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 9 10 11 21 4 2.33
Spring 20238 9 2 11 4 1.38 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 8 9 2 11 4 1.38
Fall 202310 22 14 36 4 3.60 2 5 2 7 2 3.50 12 27 16 43 6 3.58
Spring 202410 14 7 21 6 2.10 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 10 14 7 21 6 2.10
Summer 202410 17 3 20 8 2.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 10 17 3 20 8 2.00
Fall 202410 9 5 14 6 1.40 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 10 9 5 14 6 1.40
Winter 202410 11 13 24 4 2.40 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 10 11 13 24 4 2.40
Career 235 400 194 594 146 2.53 24 34 14 48 12 2.00 259 434 208 642 158 2.48

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Where is the lemon
